Friday, November 14, 2008

my tale of woe & a commitment!

On the first page of my workout log book, I drew a circle with a line through it and the word "excuses" (i.e.-no excuses!!!)


I am so weary from work, where I have been six days a week and average 9-12 hours a day! My food plan is totally out of whack too.

So tonight, I am sitting down with Joe's recommendations and plotting out specific day by day meal plans for the next 7 days. Tomorrow will be grocery shopping and food prep and Sunday is a totally new start!


Machine Incline Bench Press
1 set each- 65,80,95,110

Bent Over Cable Flyes
1 set X 30 (each side)
2 sets X 50

Flat Bench Press
1 set X 65
3 sets X 95

Pec Deck
4 sets X 40

Tricep Dips on Bench-Bodyweight
3 sets

Cable Row Pulldowns
1 set X 40
3 sets X 50

40 minutes X 3.0 speed X 2 to 4 incline (medium intensity)

11/13/08 QUADS, CALVES

Standing Machine Calf Press
4 sets X 200 (plus machine weight)

Standard Seated Legs Extensions
3 sets X 60

Seated Toe Press (Machine)
1 set X 50
3 sets X 100

Machine Legs Press
4 sets X 180 (plus machine weight)

11/10/08 BACK & BICEPS

Wide grip lat pulldown
1 set X 70
3 sets X 80

T Bar Row-close grip
1 set X 45
2 sets X 90

Bent Over BB Rows
1 set X 95
3 sets X 115

Biceps DB Curls
1 set X 15 (each arm)
3 sets X 20